Walking, Jogging in Haileybury
Walking and Jogging is part of the daily routines of several of our guests. We are pleased to provide you with a few of our preferred routes for walking, jogging in Haileybury. We have mapped out the longer routes on our own Presidents’ Suites Google maps so that it is easier for you to visualize and decide if you want to try them out.
Our Preferred Routes for Walking, Jogging in Haileybury
Walking in Haileybury is always pleasant as every neighbourhood has something unique and every house is a bit different in terms of architecture. Streets are safe to walk anytime of the day. The preferred route for a short walk is always to head out for the Marina. You will appreciate the public beach area, the boardwalk, the pavilion and a lot more. If you decide to walk a few more streets, please keep in mind that there are a lot of hills in Haileybury. If you want a more relax walk, then you should travel more in a north-south direction. If you want a work out then you can take a few streets in the east-west direction. The hills are steeper in the North end of town. There are numerous options for walking, jogging in Haileybury. If you are looking for a guided tour, the TIC (Temiskaming Interactive Circuits) could be a great option. If you download the free app on your smartphone, then you could be guided through the Great Fire of Haileybury walking tour.A Few Ideas For Shorter Walks
Our 6km Walking, Jogging in Haileybury Routes
We are proposing 3 different scenic routes which are very different from each other. Google Map for 6km Jogging Routes Please open up the map and you will be able the select each route individually to better visualize the proposed course. We hope you enjoy your walking, jogging in Haileybury.
Stato Trail to the Lookout and Back (6km)
You will take the Stato Trail from Lakeshore Road and head out towards New Liskeard. What is great is that you are always following the lake. However, you are jogging along a roadway which is sometimes less appreciated. Just past the ‘closed mill’ you will turn around at the lookout.
Quarry Road Loop (6km)
We prefer to start this loop in a Northerly direction. So take the Stato Trail from Lakeshore Road and head out towards New Liskeard. At Edward Street, take a left towards Quarry Road. To shorten your loop by 0.5km, you can also take a left on Dutton Street. Follow Quarry Road until Main Street (West Road) and turn left towards Haileybury. This loop has great views, you will be in the country and it is safe with very little traffic once you get off Lakeshore.
Niven Road Jogging Loop (7km)
We prefer to start the loop by heading out towards Niven Street. So head out towards Main Street which will lead you to Niven. On your return you will be heading towards the Marina and beach area which is always a great way to end a run. You could even stop at the Pavillion to cool down a bit and finish off with a walk back to your home.
Our 10km Jogging Routes
We are proposing 3 different scenic routes which are very different from each other. Google Map for 10km Jogging Routes Please open up the map and you will be able the select each route individually to better visualize the proposed course.
The Quarry Road North Loop (9km)
The loop is similar to the 6km Quarry Road loop but the last section has been modified so that it takes you all the way to the Marina.
We prefer to start this loop in a northerly direction. So take the Stato Trail from Lakeshore Road and head out towards New Liskeard. At Edward Street, take a left towards Quarry Road. To shorten your loop by 0.5km, you can also take a left on Dutton Street. Follow Quarry Road, cross Main Street and turn left on View Street towards Lake Temiskaming. This loop has great views, you will be in the country and it is safe with very little traffic once you get off Lakeshore.
The Quarry Road South Loop 10km
You will start this loop by heading out on Main Street until you reach Quarry Road on which you will take a left. You will follow Quarry Road all the way to North Cobalt where you will start heading back towards Haileybury. The loo will then take you to the Marina which is a great place to cool down and then finish off the by walking to your home.
The Stato Trail and Marina Loop 9km
This loop is an extension of one o four 6km loop. You will take the Stato Trail from Lakeshore Road and head out towards New Liskeard. What is great is that you are always following the lake. However, you are jogging along a roadway which is sometimes less appreciated. Just past the ‘closed mill’ you will turn around at the lookout. On your way back you will take Latchford Street. You will pass in front of the Haileybury Golf course and the Northern College. The route will take you down all the way to the Marina.
Our 15km Jogging Routes
We are proposing 3 different scenic routes which are very different from each other. Google Map for 15km Jogging Routes Please open up the map and you will be able the select each route individually to better visualize the proposed course.
The Stato Trail (17km)
This scenic route follows the Stato trail from Haileybury to New Liskeard and back. You will be following Lake Temiskaming for most of your journey and as you approach New Liskeard you will discover the boardwalk. Once you reach the Waterfront Inn and the arena, you can turn around and head back towards Haileybury.
The Clover Valley Road Loop (15km)
We are quite proud to propose this loop as it will provide you with some very interesting views and you will truly feel like you are in the country. You take the Stato Trail towards New Liskeard and take a left on Sunnyside Road. Afterward you again take a left on Clover Valley road and come back on West Road. The West Road portion of the loop is probably a bit less interesting but you will discover little interesting details along your route.
The Quarry Road Longer Loop (12km)
This loop is similar to one of our 10km route but it goes a bit further to the north. You will start this loop by takin get estate Trail and heading out North towards New Liskeard, Once ou reach Dutton Street you will take a left and continue until you reach Quarry Road. You will follow Quarry Road all the way to North Cobalt where you will start heading back towards Haileybury. The loo will then take you to the Marina which is a great place to cool down and then finish off the by walking to your home.
The South Temiskaming Active Travel Organization (STATO)
Back in 2004 the South Temiskaming Active Travel Organization (STATO) was formed as a result of community members’ interest in promotion and development of an active participative multi-use routes through the City of Temiskaming Shores hi-lighting the waterfront. Since then, the volonteer group was able to obtain funding and in-kind services and was able to construct the STATO Trail from Haileybury to New Liskeard. The trail is used for walking, jogging in Haileybury, New Liskeard and also cycling. Continuation of the trail has been announced for 2016-17 and the trail will now be continued up to Dymond.
A well known and very unique event organised by the STATO group is the annual Haunted Hustle event which takes place at the end of October. The event is now in it’s 7th year and is a Boston marathon-qualifying event. The different available options are a 5km and 10km walk/or run, a half and full marathon.
As you can see there are numerous options for walking, jogging in Haileybury
and we hope that this section of our web site has helped you to identify a few interesting routes.
Just in case you are looking for hiking trails…
If you prefer hiking, here is the link to a few organisations with great hiking trails. The Temiskaming Nordic Ski Club Nastawgan Trails Parc Récre-eau des quinze trail system on the Quebec SideHiking
Their ski trail system is constructed over a sandy base which is great for hiking, jogging and even cycling. Try out their green, blue and red trails covering a distance of close to 20km.
Their mission is to plan, establish, maintain and promote a four season non-motorized trail network which, in combination with 2400 km. of interconnected canoe routes, makes the Temiskaming area a world class recreational tourism destination.
Récré-eau des Quinze is an huge natural playground which includes a 27km shared cycleway along with 6 hiking trails totaling 25km. People have access to footbridges, picnic tables, lookouts, belvederes and traihead parkings. The trails are designed for beginners and intermediates.